Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Having a down day...

wow, Im in a really shitty mood today.
So I need to think of stuff to cheer myself up with some stuff Im looking forward to....

1. Sleeper trains in China
I know to some these may be nightmarish journeys on horrible beds, but it one of the things Im weirdly looking forward to, Ive always liked train journeys and the idea of travelling overnight and sleeping on one is really exciting and pretty cool.
We'll probably end up doing quite a few of these on our travels.

2. Tokyo

3. Diving
I really want to learn to dive, and am super excited about doing it either in Thailand (might be a bit touristy and expensive) or indonesia.

4. Discovering random little places, things and people that arent on the tourist map.


Friday, 19 February 2010


Japan makes me excited.
I think its one of the main places Ive always wanted to see.
Im a bit gutted that its more expensive than the rest of asia, because I could happily spend 6 months or more there if I could afford it.

As is stands I think we'll spend 2 months there, going from bottom to top and down again.
Ive worked out you can get a ferry from Qingdao, China to Shimonoseki, Japan.
I cant wait...

Friday, 5 February 2010

China routes (kinda) sorted

As JW has been in SA this week (30 degrees everyday there!- so jealous) Ive been doing quite a bit of late night research on China routes,
I'm pretty much sorted on how we will be travelling through, although every little place or festival I read about I want to go to!
I know, i know, I cant do EVERYTHING, but you know, I feel like the world is out there, and I wanna grab it with both hands and get everything I can out of it.
Also, I'm not sure if Ill ever have an opportunity to go back to China and explore properly, and I should try and see everything I wanna see NOW!

Sometimes I worry that I'm being terribly selfish wanting to travel, travel, travel.
As I know JW is really the settling down type.
But I suppose that I have never been one to settle and stay still for too long,
I would (totally) travel for the rest of my life if I could (you know what why cant I???- Oh, yeah- Money)

I guess we have to compromise.

Monday, 1 February 2010

New Route ideas

New Plan- Fly into Chengdu, travel around China from there( not sure what route yet), include trip to Seoul in S.Korea for a week or so (there is a boat from Tianjin to Close to Seoul)
And head to Japan (by boat) for around 2 months, before heading back into china and then South to Vietnam.
Lots of planning needed, but I feel a little better now I don't have to worry about tours from Kathmandu and Tibet visas!
So, its quite exciting that we'll go to Seoul, that I never really factored in before. Its kinda compensation for not doing Kathmandu!
Seoul, S.Korea