Monday, 21 December 2009

Dream, dreamer

Im daydreaming a lot about travelling.
I wish I could just go tomorrow.

This is really the hard bit, the waiting and planning stage. I'm not looking forward to the next few months.

At my Christmas party last Friday (particularly messy by the way) it was announced that our offices are moving across London, this coupled with the fact that I am moving to nowheresville (with my parents) really left me pissed off.
I'm just going to have to brave the 1.5 hour bus/tube journey everyday, and get used to getting up earlier.
(bye, bye 10 minute tube journey I love you and will miss you)
Also, my mother called me in a super stress about us moving in with her, saying that we wont have enough time to do everything. And even suggesting that we should stay where we are and offering to help pay our rent! As amazing as this offer is, it pissed me off even more, because I feel like all the set-in-stone, already-made decisions are crumbling and I'm not sure where we are with our plans.
Besides, our landlord hates us, cos the last ever rent is going to be a few weeks late, as we are so broke, and he is probably not going to be happy if we turn around 3 weeks before we are meant to leave and ask if we can actually stay because we changed our minds!
Also, I think we can save much more money by moving in with my parents than staying where we are, even if they were helping with rent.
And on a non-selfish train of thought, my parents really don't have much money to spend on me (my Dads retired, and my mum is almost there)

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