Friday, 11 December 2009

I know its a bit early...

But as I get rid of stuff in my flat (sold the dining table- yay!), I start to think about stuff that I need to buy for travelling.

Here a few things that I want to take with...

1. Swiss army knife- Reminds me so much of my Dad whist in some middle of nowhere, and Dad always had his swiss army knife to cut up an apple or tweezer out a splinter. I really want one, you never know when you'll need a corkscrew in the middle of the jungle right?

2. Cushtie- Every time I'm at a service station or airport, I mull over buying one of these, I figure now that I have a good excuse I can justify spending a tenner on a bag of beans (I secretly want the elephant one!)

3. Good boots (not too stylish, but useful)
4. A large sarong
5. Backpack not sure what size yet, depends how much junk (like the stuff listed here) I take!

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