I want to travel through Asia.
Start by travelling through China, hopefullyvisiting Tibet. and doing a trip to Seoul, S.Korea. Then heading to Japan for a few months.
Back in to China, Then down through Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos,
Through Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore.
Explore Indonesia, and finishing in the Philippines
My route keeps changing all the time, so I might change my mind again!
The whole trip should be around a year long
I cant wait for my adventures to start!
Rough route plans
Places and things to see on the Asia trip
Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Ghibli museum, Tokyo
Everest base camp
Gili Island, Indonesia
Taersi Monastery, Qinghai
Harbin Ice sculpture festival
Ho Chi Minh City
Hong Kong
Angkor Wat
The Portola Palace, Tibet
Terracotta Army, XI'an
Great Wall of China
Who am I?
I am 24, and I currently live in London with JW (from Cape Town)
I have travel in my blood,
My parents spent a lot of my childhood travelling, and I was born in Malaysia.
I don't think I ever lost that feeling of itchy feet when stuck in one place for too long.
My plan is to travel the world and never stop for too long.
Only problem is I am very lazy, and at heart a total slacker!
Places I've been...
Favourite places I’ve been- Morocco, Turkey, Sudan, Malaysia, Italy, Portugal, South Africa
I have seen this photo before...agree, it is a great one!