Monday, 6 September 2010

The right headspace...

You remember my friend who I was irrationally jealous of, for going travelling before me?

Well, the other day she called me and told me she's no longer going.
ok, so now I feel REALLY guily for being envious.

She told me that basically she didnt want to go because she is depressed and wasnt in the right 'headspace'.
She had apprently gone on holiday to Ibiza with her friend that she was meant to be going travelling with, and watched her and her friends (all with boyfriends) let sleazy and old italian men take body shots off them, She said she just felt like ‘this isn’t me’.

I really understand what she means, firstly, as I’ve said before the ‘get fucked up and hang around with English people all day’ thing is NOT my thing, and secondly I know the feeling of needing to be in the right ‘headspace’

I worry sometimes that I’m heaping way too much on to travelling to make me happy, when for a lot of the time I might be unhappy, stressed or bored...And the dreaded... homesick

Ive always told myself that im a traveller and I can handle being away from home (party cos Ive always felt that Ive never really had one place I consider my home town) but the truth is, Ill miss London and my parents and my friends,
and having my own space (although moving in with the rents has been good practice for this one) and Ill miss English food, and language and not worrying about money and visas and where im going to sleep next…

Im sure the good will outweigh the bad, but its something to think about…

Anyway, for my friend I think it’s the best decision for her, and ive told her to come and meet me when we are out there for a few weeks and all shots will stay firmly in the glass- until we drink them of course!

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